Person locates naturally radioactive ore in Utah.
It may make these people feel better to buy potassium iodide or a geiger counter, but aside from the psychological reassurance, it is a waste of money. The potassium iodide targets the thyroid gland which uses quite a lot of iodine in metabolic reactions. If you think you might be low in iodine, eat some food that is high in potassium - eat a banana. For residents near the ocean, iodine is in the air. It's part of that distinctive sea air smell. Failing that, look at your salt shaker. It has iodine added to it. That's been done for many years to prevent enlarged, overworking thyroid glands.
Iodine is a poison. You can run into immediate and serious trouble if you self dose yourself with KI.
Our world is surrounded and made up of radioactive materials. We have evolved within a spectrum of elements that break apart and emit energy. Our bodies cope with various forms of radiation in many ways. That beautiful tan that many still seek, is a protection against radiation. Cosmic rays zap the Earth continually. Our DNA has a 'spell checker' programme that corrects most mistakes in the AT GC alphabet.
If you are still worried about radioactive particles drifting over N. America, stop and think about the atmospheric testing of atomic weapons outside of Las Vegas. The Nevada Test Site was a tourist draw in the '50s when people could witness the characteristic mushroom clouds from Sin City. There is a museum in Las Vegas devoted to those years between 1951 and 1992 when nuclear weapons were tested on the continental US. No doubt some cases of cancer have resulted from those times, but the vast majority of people witnessing those mushroom clouds lived out a normal span of years.
Radioactivity must be treated with respect and avoiding unnecessary exposure is only good sense. But it should be kept in perspective.
Some sources of radioactivity in every day life: smoke detectors, medical isotopes, x-rays, CAT scans, naturally occuring elements like radon gas.
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