Friday, March 11, 2011

NUCLEAR DISASTER LOOMS AFTER JAPANS NUCLEAR POWER STATION GOES ON FIRE - Update no radiation leaks were detected among its reactors

Naoto Kan
Naoto Kan

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nuclear power stations are in trouble following the earthquake which has damaged Japans nuclear facilities.

Japan is now operating on an atomic power emergency footing but said no radiation leaks were detected among its reactors

Prime Minister Naoto Kan declared the emergency to enable authorities to implement emergency measures. Residents living near plants were not required to take special action, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told a news conference.

"We have declared a nuclear emergency state to take every possible precaution," Edano said. "Let me repeat that there is no radiation leak, nor will there be a leak."

A fire broke out in the turbine building of Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi Prefecture but it has not been shut down yet. It will have to be shut down if their is a danger it could go critical.

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