Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Google+ social media arena is the addition bykey features include google feature

. Google+

Perhaps the biggest change in the social media arena is the addition of a major new platform by Google, Google+. Although the platform is still in beta at the time of this writing, it will almost certainly become a major player in the social media arena.

Of course, the number of users on Google+ is currently limited to those who can get invites, but once Google opens it to the general public I expect that it will take off. With Google as a backer, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this one advertised on mainstream media either–Google certainly has the resources to wage a full scale campaign.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be one of the early adapters of Google+, and my initial reaction is mostly positive. This platform directly addresses many of the concerns that users have had with Facebook and other social media tools (such as the ability to control who sees which information). In addition, Google+ has the potential to become an all-in-one platform since other Google tools are already incorporated. I also understand a business platform is on the way.

Some key features include:

  • Circles. Divide your contacts into categories. You get to choose which circle can see which information.
  • The Plus. The plus of Google+ allows you to vote on virtually everything on the Internet. Ultimately, this will impact search engine rankings.
  • The Hangout. Chat with up to ten of your contacts at the same time.
  • The integration. Google offers a large number of tools already (such as Google Documents, Analytics, email, etc.). Now they are all integrated with Google+.
  • Google+ is definitely one to watch and it might well eventually become a social networking standard for freelancers and other small businesses.

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