Friday, July 8, 2011

President Obama plan to sellout crush Social Security and Medicare to raise the debt ceiling before the August 2 deadline

Social Security will use up its huge trust fund in 2036 one year earlier than was projected
Social Security will use up its huge trust fund in 2036 one year earlier than was projected

President Obama may go down in history as the worst democratic president on record. His latest plan is to sellout his own party and crush Social Security and Medicare in exchange for what will likely amount to meager revenue increases from closing tax loopholes on millionaires and GOP votes to raise the debt ceiling before the August 2 deadline for default.

The Obama sellout comes under a threat some have called outright blackmail by Tea Party Republicans, who are determined to steer the country down the path to ruin by catering to the demands of corporate interests who want the middle class and poor to subsidize taxpayer funded rebates and tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

If republican demands are not met, the GOP says it will force the United States to default on its debt. The insuring result has been widely acknowledged as an economic catastrophe of unimaginable proportion.

If the Obama deal goes through, Social Security recipients should expect their benefits to decrease year after year, since benefits will be tied to the Consumer Price Index instead of Cost of Living increases.

Outraged democrats, including members of the Progressive Caucus and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have pledged to fight Obama on anLinky cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Furthermore, financial supporters of Obama's 2012 re-election campaign have vowed to pull their support if the president abandons the Democratic Party's commitment to Social Security and Medicare.

On Thursday, Pelosi said Social Security should not serve as a ‘piggy bank' to fund tax cuts for the rich.

The Social Security program does not add to the deficit since it is funded through payroll deductions.

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