Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quality Writing Isn't Free

My latest post analyzing transfer costs and their impact on the on table position in the English Premier League can be found here (the first two posts can be found here and here).

Please note that my latest post is part of The Tomkins Times site that is behind a pay wall. I know that for many readers this may present some consternation, but I think this is a good sign. Let me explain.

First, the analysis at The Tomkins Times is well worth the £3.50 (~$6) per month that a subscriber pays. Paul Tomkins, the site's main author and sole editor, provides two to three wonderfully insightful articles a week. We're not talking about throw-away posts full of stats or rumors you've heard elsewhere and were compiled in 10 minutes. We're talking about book author (six of them, in fact) quality posts that provide insight you won't find anywhere else. Paul has the rare combination of passionate supporter for his Liverpool Football Club and level-headed statto so as to approach analysis and commentary fairly. Paul is an authority on Liverpool specifically and the English game in general. If you don't believe me, just know that Liverpool's new ownership sat down for tea with him immediately after they purchased the team.

Second, Paul's work of building the Times' brand over the last several years has enabled the site to assemble an awesome cadre of supporting writers. Bloggers, financial analysts, statisticians, and supporters of various clubs with special insights write posts for the Times every week. With such a wide variety of authors, a complete picture of Liverpool and the state of the Premier League can be had by any subscriber. I am proud to be a part of that group, and can vouch that the supporting writers alone are worth the subscription fee.

Third, the only way to comment on a posting is to be a subscriber. This ensures that comments by readers are top notch. No trolls. No jerks looking to stir up the pot for no other reason than to create controversy. Just committed individuals eager to learn from each other and build each other up. A few commenters have "leveled up" into the roll of original content contributors by authoring posts themselves. Meanwhile, Paul knows that subscribers are his lifeblood and engages each of their questions, comments, and concerns.  It all adds up to genuine interaction that other blogs wish they had.

Fourth, this is Paul's method of making a living. Such analysis isn't free, and the amount of time required of the author is monumental. Writing is Paul's full time job. I put my money where my mouth is, and gladly pay the subscriber fee each month even though some might argue I should not as I am a contributor. I don't ask for any compensation myself, so I won't get any kickback if you do subscribe.

I just know it's a wonderful site, and one of the most insightful I've read in a long time. For too long we've been getting blogs, newspapers, and all kinds of other information for free on the internet. Frankly, much of the content probably wasn't worth much so free was probably the right price for it. That's not the case with The Tomkins Times - you will struggle to find a better value for your hard earned dollar (or quid).

You don't have to take my word for it though - you can listen to SoccerLens who awarded Paul's site with their Editor's Pick for best club fansite.  Or take the word of more than 2000 monthly subscribers.  Either way, know that this is a successful implementation of a pay wall, and not some multinational news organization seeking to charge you today for what they were giving away for free yesterday.

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