As mayhem continues in Libya, many people have been wondering which middle eastern country could be the next, to experience the wrath of the people. Morocco is situated to the west of the middle east countries, bordering Algeria. In recent days it has seen some protesters on its streets.
Many of these countries share common ground. One thing that Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have in common is the high percentage of the country's population, who are under 25 years old. Here are some statistics:
Population of Morocco 32.3m with 47.7% under 25
Population of Tunisia 10.4m with 43.1% under 25
Population of Algeria 35.4m with 47.5% under 25
Population of Libya 6.5m with 47.4 under 25
Population Egypt 84.5 with 52.3% under 25
This high percentage of young people could in some ways explain the strong desire for change, which is currently so evident in the middle east. One thing to mote with these figures is the relativel;y small population of Libya, considering the country's size. Tunisia is tiny in comparison but has a larger population. Morocco is not mucg larger than Tunisia and so its population seems huge.
The overriding religious faith in all of these countries is Islam. Some people are Sunni Muslims but there are few other religions followed in the region, with the Islamic in the majority. Until the current unrest in the middle east, all of these countries had unelected leaders and corruption. Countries such as Egypt and Tunisia are currently undergoing change.
All of these countries have fairly high levels of unemploment with libya the highest, at 30% of the poluation.
With so many similarities it almost seems inevitable that the wave of unrest will continue to spread to the other countries. However, each case is different.
So how will Morocco fare?
King Mohammed VI has ruled Morocco since 1999. His people do not want to overthrow him. However, many Moroccons want change and reform. They appear to want change though that will still allow a ruling King.
The Makhzen is a Moroccon name for the elite in the country's business and state affairs. The Moroccon people want an end to the privileges of the Makhzen. It would seem that they would be happy with this change, along with a reduction the King's powers.
A free and democratic elected government would of course complete the picture. Whether these changes are possible in Morocco remains to be seen. If they are not given consideration though, Morocco could yet experience the wrath of the people and revolution.
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