Unity Productions Foundation (UPF), an award-winning media and education non-profit, recently launched a national campaign, entitled ‘My Fellow American’ during the second week of June. This groundbreaking new initiative uses film and social media to challenge the perception that Muslims are strangers in this country. Believe it or not, 62% of Americans have never met a Muslim.
One look at the My Fellow American website will blow you away by the amount of energy and enthusiasm the organizers of this campaign bring to the national spotlight. The campaign primarily encourages everyone who hears about the campaign to take the following pledge:
Muslims are our fellow Americans.
“They are part of the national fabric that holds our country together. They contribute to America in many ways, and deserve the same respect as any of us. I pledge to spread this message, and affirm our country’s principles of liberty and justice for all.”
Another integral part of this campaign is the interactivity of social media and film. A big part of breaking the stereotype that Muslims are seen in this country as the “other” and not “fellow neighbors/friends/etc” is by sharing stories. The My Fellow American project encourages people like you to submit a video or written piece sharing a story of a muslim who has made a positive impact in your life. Over 30+ videos have been submitted so far! A notable and well known site that has a similar feel to this aspect of the campaign is My Best Friend is Muslim. Check out the teaser trailer for the My Fellow American project and submit a story today!
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